Implementation & system integration

We support your business in the area of e-logistics, supply chain management and logistics outsourcing, right from the outset and through to implementation. In the project we pay close attention from the very start to the tight integration of the involved departments in order to guarantee that accepted and workable solutions are implemented.
During the execution we prepare the implementation of the new processes in close work with your employees. In this phase, the IT systems are configured, web-surfaces executed, back-end systems completely integrated and the new business processes tested. At the same time, keyusers and IT personnel are trained. We accompany the start of productivity and support your applications. In the context of a continuous improvement process, we carry out optimisation and expansions at your request.

Other consultancy:

Process consultancy - Process consultancy Supply Chain Management

E-logistics and Supply Chain Management on the Internet make permanent changes to the core business processes. Business re-engineering in the logistics environment is one of our core responsibilities. We couple your business with those of partners on both sides of the supply chain and integrate you with the logistics service provider. We restructure your logistics planning and logistics purchasing processes. Our employees, who have years of project experience, advice you on the set-up of supply chain management. We adapt your business processes to the requirements of Collaborative Business and support the implementation of logistics outsourcing plans.

Other consultancy:

Benefits for marketplaces


  • Not necessary to set up own logistics know-how.
  • The complete portfolio of the required logistics services is opened through us.
  • Offers customers added-value that cannot be refused after the close of the business deal.

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Strategy consultancy - Strategy consultancy Supply Chain Management

The success of e-business also affects the e-logistics strategy of your company. Aside from the changes in material flow, changes are also necessary in the relationship between customer and supplier and, with them, changes in the company’s own business processes. Collaborative business is the next step, which is to be taken into consideration with all decisions.

There are some strategic questions to answer:

  • How can I make the logistical network faster in order to increase the success of my business through improved customer services?
  • How do I integrate the processes for the best possible provision of the end user?
  • Can logistics specialists help me to strengthen the effiency of my core business activities?

We help you to answer these questions and to set you on the path to your own sucessful e-logistics strategy. Together, we define the individual steps to achieve successes in a short time and with that the motivation and acceptance of those involved.
Our „e-Strategy+“method, developed especially for the formation of strategy, makes this process quick and efficient.

Other Consultancy:

Benefits for logistics service providers

logistics service providers 

  • Optimise performance and win new customers.
  • Improve customer service, because the customer can reach them over an eChainManager standard portal.
  • Reduce expenses for manual work with automation of business processes
  • Learn of pickup delays at the earliest possible moment through greater integration of the planning systems of customers.

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